Angel Fund

Image of dog with head out of window in carPeople have asked why we collect loose change for pets. This money is placed in a separate account we call the Angel Fund. The fund aids cases where a patient’s health is extremely compromised but treatment cannot be financially supported by the owner. Our Angel Fund display represents the patients who have been helped and the clients who have donated. Take a look next time you’re in our lobby!

We used the Angel Fund to perform dental surgery on a dog who was starving to death. He is now back to his normal weight and wagging his tail again! It was used for an elderly client who died while her beloved cat was being treated. It paid for an elderly dog whose owner had lost his job. We were able to stabilize his medical condition and find him a new owner who could care for him. 

If you wish to support this effort, you may contact the hospital and make a donation. Our funds are limited, but we really enjoy being able to help our neighbors and pets in need.